Affordable Rolex Replica Watches For Sale -

Rolex Replica Watches

Ana Ivanovic was the number one in the world for only a few weeks. However, she cannot be removed from the list of the most beautiful sportswomen. This makes her the perfect ambassador for the high-end Swiss watchmaker. Ana seems to be more and more qualified for the role as she becomes more beautiful and glamorous with time. The image of her wearing the Rolex Oyster Perpetual Datejust tells a story better than words.

Maria Sharapova earned an impressive $22,500,000 despite her injuries and poor form.Best Replica Watches The majority of this sum was paid by the famous Swiss watchmaker Tag Heuer. Maria is a member of the Tag ambassadors team, which includes women who embody the brand's philosophy of sport, glamour, and high performance.

Maria has been selected to promote the Formula One Glamour Diamonds Ladies Watch and also take part in the promotion of Tag Heuer watches for women from Link collection.

Novak Djokovic is the third ATP player. He has not yet signed a contract. However, an interesting story coming out of Geneva may be an announcement about a future partnership. A Serbian player visited Audemars Piguet, a Swiss luxury watchmaker. Pierre Bottinelli, the co-owner of the company, gave him an unexpected gift.

Novak left Geneva's Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Concept manufactory with a watch worth 260,000 dollars. It is still unclear if this was a sign of new partnership, or just an unusual gesture of hospitality.

Rolex Replica Watches has been a part of the world of tennis for many years as a sponsor, timekeeper and partner with great masters in this sport. Stefanie Agassi and Andre Agassi, the most famous tennis couple and ambassadors of today's company, are true tennis legends.Rolex Day Date Replica The Sport Collection is promoted by two former champions while the Swiss company supports their charitable foundations "Children for Tomorrow", and "The Andre Agassi Foundation".